The Celtic Temple is a place where you can just be yourself. A safe and protected space where you can exist in harmony with all that is going on in your world. We will match your footsteps as you journey along the wonderful and sometimes scary path of life. 

Meet the Team

As a Shamanic Practitioner, Rachel facilitates empowerment through Soul Retrieval, Extraction Work, Divination, Shamanic Counselling, Land Healing, and Space Clearing using powerful earth energies.
Rachel Gallagher
Shamanic Teacher/Practitioner
Phil provides unique Weave Healings and specialises in remote healings using Celtic Spirit Dolls.
Phil Gallagher
Weave Healer
Margrit specialises in Sound Baths and uses the energies of her various singing bowls to heal you inside and out.
Margrit Perrin
Frequency Healer
Michaela specialises in Soul Retrieval and Inner Child Work
Michaela Turner
Shamanic Practitioner

Spiritual realignment programme

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”   Nikola Tesla

explore our unique healing treatments

Nourish your soul and replenish those spent energies with our spiritual realignment programme


As a Shamanic Practitioner, Rachel provides a plethora of shamanic and spiritual healings. Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Divination, Shamanic Counselling, Land Healing, Space Clearing, and Energy Alignment.

Let's look at those individual healings a bit more in-depth and find the right one for your specific needs.

Soul Retrieval

Soul Loss is a spiritual illness that can cause emotional or physical illness. We have all experienced trauma in our lives in some way, shape or form. Death in the family, relationship breakdown, illness, bullying, abuse, neglect, stress. We encounter trauma and then, after a period of healing, we usually bounce back. But what about those times when we just can’t seem to pick up the pieces and get back in the swing of things? At times like that a little part of ourselves is lost. This is called Soul Loss and it can impact on us in various ways and can leave us feeling incomplete, insecure, somehow disconnected. These feelings can lead to low self-esteem, disillusionment, fear, shame, guilt, and a numbing loneliness. Soul Loss can also manifest itself as a physical ailment.

The reason we feel that there is a vital part of us missing is simply because there is. How often do find ourselves replaying sequences of traumatic events in our heads over and over again? We feel that we are stuck in a rut, that we are running only to stand still, that we are caught in an endless loop of doom and despair. Perhaps the reason why we revisit the traumatic events in our lives so often is that, subconsciously, we are exploring those particular moments in time actively looking for the lost parts we know we have left behind. Perhaps we think that if we could somehow turn back the clock to before this happened then we could go back to being our true self again.

We may feel that we are slowly losing our depth of emotion, finding it hard to be happy or doubting the love we have for each other. With the shine gone from our world we may start to indulge ourselves in things to make us feel better like drink, drugs, sex, reckless behaviour, eating disorders, and drama, but the quick fix is never enough and only leads to further pain and misery.

Soul Retrieval, put simply, is about recapturing those lost parts of our souls, identifying those missing pieces, and integrating them back into their appropriate energy fields. The shamanic practitioner will facilitate soul retrieval by helping you find your missing parts and cleansing them piece by piece before reintroducing them to your soul for integration. Working in tandem with our shamanic practitioner, your soul will guide the process of integration, knowing instinctively which parts are ready to return and when.

Many who have experienced soul retrieval have reported a newfound wholeness and a strong sense of connectivity - a certainty that each and every person and every living thing on the planet are intrinsically linked. Many feel a restorative energy flowing through them, that they are more in tune with their higher self, and that they have rediscovered their sense of purpose. It is not uncommon for people to rediscover art, music and literary talents and to start new hobbies to replace the former destructive patterns of behaviour. Soul retrieval is a magical transformation that can bring back the clarity and energy needed to free ourselves from the past and fully embrace the future.

Power Animal Retrieval . . . 

Extraction . . . 

Divination . . . 

Shamanic Counselling . . . 

Land Healing . . .

Space Clearing . . .

Energy Alignment . . . 


As a Shamanic Teacher, Rachel offers a selection of training modules individually designed to suit your specific needs.

Discover how to 'journey' into other realms and, once there, find your spirit animal and other allies. 

A complimentary Power Animal Retrieval Ceremony is available to anyone signing up for Rachel's Introduction to Shamanism course. 

Nourish your soul and replenish those spent energies with our spiritual realignment programme

Phil specialises in remote healings using Celtic Spirit Dolls and also employs a rather unique method he terms Weave Healing.

Weave Healing is an ancient ritual practised at sacred wells or springs. The Clootie Well near Munlochy is such a place. A piece of cloth belonging to the afflicted person is taken to the well and soaked in the healing properties of its waters. Sacred prayers, healing intentions and icaros are whispered into the warp and weft of the weave. The wet cloth is then tied to a nearby tree. Over time, as the elements cause the fabric to deteriorate, so the affliction fades and passes.




Phil uses Celtic Spirit Dolls in his remote healings to represent the persons physical body. He can then perform deep healings on whatever part of the body is required without any embarrassment. Phil can also realign mental and spiritual energies using this method.

Nourish your soul and replenish those spent energies with our spiritual realignment programme

Nourish your soul and replenish those spent energies with our spiritual realignment programme


Michaela Turner chooses to concentrate specifically on Inner Child Work and Soul Retrieval but what exactly does that entail?

Inner Child Work . . . 

Soul Retrieval . . . 


"Divination is not seeing the future; it's looking at the present from a different perspective and seeing connections that were otherwise invisible".

Charbel Tadros


At a crossroads? Stuck in a rut? Experiencing a dilemma?

Then simply ask us the question.

The Celtic Temple provides Divination and Spiritual Guidance using castings of stick, stone, seed and bone. 



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